"... Et une couverture signée Isabelle Dalle pour incarner celle qui a donné son nom à l'ouvrage : Miss Endorphine, "hormone du bonheur, cicérone des saveurs...".
Miss Endorphine - Anthologie illustrée par Patrice Verry.
" Artiste numérique française, Isabelle Dalle réalise des séries de portraits anatomiques numériques. Partout dans ses créations, son imaginaire est influencé par l'art traditionnel de revues médicales et gravures botaniques.
Retrouvez les auteurs de Miss Endorphine samedi 21 mars 2015, stand M51 de 11:00 Ã 12/30."
" Digital artist Isabelle Dalle showcases an astonishing series of beautiful anatomical portraits. The imagery is inspired by archaic medical journals, and how they can be translated into pieces of art. Using areas of the body to infuse her digital creativity onton, she creates something that goes beyond surreal - something like a beautiful dream that you wouldn't want to end.
The french artist work is more than just imagination, she redefines the human form into a magical miracle - using a diverse range of colours, prints and texts. "
Darrel Larkin.
" French digital artist Isabelle Dalle has realized a series of digital portraits. Her imagery is influenced by the traditional art of medical journals, referencing number notations for specific body parts, and detailed muscular and skeletal shading. She juxtaposes these visuals with colorful, contemporary collaged drawings of animals, wings, and deep sea creatures protruding from the features of the face and body. Her work displays a jarring perspective of the human form, through the montage of classic and current illustrations."
" A artista digital francesa Isabelle Dalle vem realizado um trabalho com uma série de retratos de anatomias humanas, manipulando-as digitalmente.
Sua estética é baseada nas clássicas ilustrações de livros de anatomia, mantendo elementos como anotações de partes especÃficas do corpo humano, ou detalhes musculares ou ósseos.
Justaponto essa ilustrações clássicas com desenhos de animais, flores ou asas, todos bastante coloridos e com ar contemporâneo."
Taina Maneschy.
" Anatomically correct, these visions of human bodies weave dream worlds with physical form. French graphic designer and art director Isabelle Dalle presents us with a series of beautifully detailed mixed media illustrations. The clever titles underneath most of them show the stories behind their creation. With an extensive portfolio of magazine publications and 20 years of experience, Isabelle Dalle has created these visual experiences to showcase her interest and outstanding drawing skills. Through a collage of classic and contemporary drawings, her work presents a new perspective of human form."
" İskelet ve kas sistemini ya da organları gösteren anatomik çizimlerle; rengarenk kelebekler, balerinler, kanatlar, astronomi tabloları biraraya gelirse… Grafik sanatçısı Isabelle Dalle‘den etkileyici portreler…"
" Isabelle Dalle’s new series of anatomical portraits has caught our eye. Dalle’s pieces are influenced by the traditional art in medical journals, which is an interesting concept, brings a fresh combination of precision of medicine and the individual flare of art. The montage of classic and current illustrations is a hard notion to grasp but Isabelle seems to grasp it with such ease. Isabelle draws colourful and collaged drawings of animals, wing movement and protruding through the body parts and the appearance of skeletons, she does so by overlapping the images turning them into a whole new creation."
" Diilhami oleh seni menggambar anatomi kedokteran klasik, Isabelle Dalle, seorang seniman Perancis menciptakan serial lukisan dijital dengan tema anatomi. Lukisan ini menjadi super keren ketika beliau mencoba jukstaposisi (entahlah, apakah ada kata serapan semacam ini, saya sih taunya juxtapose) lukisan hewan ke dalam lukisan anatomi manusia tersebut"
Stephanus Theo
" A partir de influências que envolvem desde desenhos anatômicos de revistas médicas até ilustrações contemporâneas, a designer francesa Isabelle Dalle cria retratos digitais. Sobrepondo ilustrações com colagens, Dalle cria um belo trabalho, através do uso de cores e composição. "
" Fransız dijital sanatçı Isabelle Dalle dijital anatomik portreler dizisi ortaya koydu.Onun sanatı tıbbi dergilerin geleneksel imgelerinden etkilenerek, vücudun belirli bölgelerinin, detaylı kas ve iskeletin gölgelendirilmesiyle oluşur. Bu görsellerle, onlara kanat ekleyerek, hayvanlar kondurarak ya da deniz yerletirerek eşsiz bir modern sanat ortaya koyuyor. "
" Today’s post is dedicated to the digital anatomical illustrations of Isabelle Dalle. The French art director has combined traditional art found in medical journals with contemporary collage techniques offered by software such as Photoshop. The old fashion illustrations acquire a new dimension when Dalle strategically mixes them with colorful drawings of animals, wings, deep sea creatures, insects and anatomical parts. A couple of my favorites include My Heart Needs Your Breath, where the lungs form the shape of the girl’s skirt and Happy Bird Day! where the ribs are superimposed by a bird’s cage. "
" Estos retratos anatómicos son parte del trabajo de la artista digital francesa Isabelle Dalle. Sus imágenes muestran una mezcla entre dos temas muy diferentes, que se entrelazan perfectamente para darle vida a lo que carecÃa de esta. Por un lado, Dalle utiliza las imágenes tradicionales de los libros de medicina, como esqueletos o partes del cuerpo humano con anotaciones sobre estos. A esto añade dibujos muy coloridos de aves, alas y criaturas submarinas que se mezclan con las figuras anatómicas de los libros de medicina, para crear un contraste de muerte y vida muy fuerte. "